Left Assistant 左輔“Zuo Fu” star and Right Assistant 右弼“You Bi” star. They are considered smart, forgiving and have a big heart. “Zuo Fu” and “You Bi” is a pair of good assistant stars. It will strengthen the major stars in the palace. As long as it doesn’t fall into the family palace it is considered a very good star. This is two stars of the group of six good stars classified under sincerity and compassion. Its character will do their best to assist. When combine with the 紫微“Zi Wei” star it will balance the “Zi Wei” stars stubbornness and narrow mindedness. Both these left and right stars can only have化科“Hua Ke” and there won’t be any 化忌“Hua Ji”. As this stars are helpful and noble therefore does not need the appearance of化祿“Hua Lu” or 化權“Hua Quan”. “Hua Ke” alone can increase the status of the stars.
Comparatively to文昌“Wen Chang” and 文曲“Wen Qu” it has a better advantage. Even thou this four stars does not have appearance of “Hua Quan “ or “Hua Lu” but the “Wen Chang” and “Wen Qu” stars will have “Hua Ji” interference creating the appearance of cunning and wise guy. As “Qu” and “Chang” located in the destiny 命“Ming” palace will easily affect its cleverness and suspicions. “Hua Ji” will make the stars filled with knowledge or skilled but lacking vision and depth. So this is the reason “Zuo Fu” and “You Bi Hua Ke” in “Ming” palace is a much better comparison as it is without the “Ji” effect and have more noble assistance. Preference is on the forwardness of the “Zuo Fu You Bi” as it can turn other combination stars to be more harmonious. This pair is most favored by “Zi Wei” star.
Righteousness and evil are a hidden agenda in humans. Actions are cause and effect of character. In the chart it can accurately predict the characters of the good, bad, strength and weaknesses. Whether it is losses or gains all humans emotional changes can be calculated. So as a destiny reader student it is important to understand your weakness and strength to further improve yourself. So that it can lessen the barriers and disputes in your life path.
Jun 2011 http://www.ziweidoushubazi.blogspot.com/