Recently many cases of accidents, mishaps, murders and suicides appeared on the news front. Sometimes it is a pity and at times it is full of mystery. Whether they are supposed to die or they are very young when it triggers a hazard situation. A wrong decision made at the moment can cause a life. Within the “Zi Wei Dou Shu” twelve palaces, there are a few palaces that can cause a life regrets. One is the 疾厄 宫 “ji e gong” health palace, “ji” means illness and “e” means mishaps or adversity. How to understand whether the 疾厄 “ji e” or 化忌 “hua ji” is sickness or accident? Then we have to look at the major and minor cycle together with the life 命 “ming”. The interactions of the palaces will then provide the correct judgment. Do not undermine the friend palace 奴 仆 宫 “nu pu gong” or the sibling palace 兄弟 宫 “ xiong di gong” especially when they meet with bad stars. If you are being murdered whether by revenge or accidental it is all the happenings of this palace. During the early stage...