Recently in the news, a lady was tied up by a man. And from behind he fired a few gunshots into her head. This ended her young life and she was only 23 years old then. It was a punishment for infidelity over a marriage. Judgment has not been concluded but this two men who can't resolve their discrepancy over the matter, finally agreed to penalize her in order to save their pride. She was not even being condoned to a proper judiciary or court proceedings. The day when she was executed, there was even a crowd cheering after the execution. This happened in a country where woman has no position or dignity in place. So whatever luck or 八字 "bazi", it will not have much effect on them in this matter.
Wherever we reside or travel, it is very important that we research on every countries political and environmental back ground. As every country would have different laws for their citizens to abide whether democracy, communism, monarchy or etc. During the olden days of china many government officials have great powers and they are able to utilize their authority for anything they wished as they are bestowed with ample of powers. Even without the prosperity star 化禄 "hua lu" in their chart, they are still able to enjoy a life filled with good food, drink and pleasures.
In some countries, women will have more powers and better standing examples like Singapore, Europe and America. Recalling a case where a Chinese man who married a Canadian wife. As he travels a lot for business, the wife was left alone all the time so she starts to feel lonely and finally she started an affair. But she was caught by him and they divorced. After the divorced she was awarded half of all his assets. Therefore, being in the same scenario women will have different outcome in different places. In conclusion everything is influenced by the country luck and heaven luck factor before coming to man luck factor.
In the current Asia, if you don’t have 禄“lu” in the needed palace of your chart, then 权“quan” power star in your main or career palace might only provide some degree of authority in your career but not necessarily leading you to a prosperous life.
As a metaphysic researcher, it is important to know the effects and importance of the surrounding and environment. We are considered lucky to be living in a slight democratic Asian country. As long as we have some luck and we work hard, our path can still be happy and smooth. Even when marriages face problems, it can be settled legally without abuses and guns.

In summary, DESTINY DO EXIST but it is affected by many factors. From birth, you are affected by the genetics of your (Family Luck) parent’s health, intelligence and character. They will affect the well being and mentality of the person. The (Country Luck) where the person reside the geographical and governmental policies will play an effect on them. Whether the country is prosperous, democratic or they respect human rights, it will each play a role in affecting a person’s destiny. Your personal timing luck (Human Luck) are the decisions you made and right timing. There is also the (Earth luck) 風水 Feng Shui affected from the environment, surrounding and places that you reside whether the energies are good or bad. Whether you are from an educated, upper or lower class society it will all influenced your childhood and attitude as you grow up. That's why, the same Astrology, 八字 "Bazi" or 紫微斗数 "Zi Wei Dou Shu" chart, will have some variance on their level of success & failures!!!
July 2012