癸巳年 GUI SI year. During each year end where many friends and students will gather, but it is frustrating as every time they will be asking questions like “What do you think of the election?, How is our 国运 “guo yun”country luck?, How is the 全球经济 “quan qiu jing ji” world economy?”. Isn’t it funny?To know about world economy they should ask the expert economist. To know aboutthe country or economy thou shall not consult a destiny reader or feng shuimaster, as they are not god and we definately don't enjoy to simply mislead the public. In 命运 “mingyun” destiny path is all different on everyone and the bazi can beinfluenced by individual's life and actions. Using people destiny knowledge to applyon macro countries is a sheer exaggeration.
In 2013 gui si year, 破军 “pojun” becomes 化禄 “hua lu” and 贪狼 “tan lang” becomes化忌 “hua ji”.If your chart is the “sha po lang” format and in the 三方四正 “san fang si zheng” triangular/squarehaving single “tan lang hua ji”, and without the presence of 杀 “sha” or bad stars it will not be seriously affected thisyear. “Gui” year with “po jun hua lu” even your “tan lang” becomes “hua ji” youcan still have good outcomes with more effort and hard work. “Tan lang” star in“zi wei dou shu” represents 桃花 “tao hua”peach blossom, 情欲 “qing yu” pleasures and 物欲 “wu yu” materialistic.Any normal or abnormal relationship is also related to this star. Whether thisstar is bright or dim, and where it is situated in different palace it willhave various outcomes. In simple terms, if tan lang in 命 “ming” or 疾厄 “ji e” healthpalaces it is better to avoid places of water. Formerly there was a student whobrought a “bazi” of a mother and daughter for academic research. This familydied in the year 2004 tsunami. Both the chart indicates prone for water danger.One of the chart has a “tan lang hua ji” in their cycle luck. When the year isnot favorable and palaces are affected by “sha” or “hua ji” it is best to avoidwater danger to reduce your risk. If it is in your 夫妻宫 “fu qi gong” spouse palace and only single effect then itindicated is minimal or slight unstableness. With patience and EQ everythingwill return to normal after the year has passed. If it lands in yor moneysection and the stars are dim then it indicates money loses in pleasures andentertainment. If it is in your health related palaces, women with unfavorable starswill have 妇女病 “fu nu bing” gynaecologicalsickness. For men if it falls into the “si” or “hai” palaces are prone tosexual related organs, mental and health irregularities. So it is best to minimizeexcessive pleasures or affairs. So do check if your chart has ‘tan lang” inyour spouse palace? Is it favorable, dim or bright?
In this New Year 2013, we hope that the 命理学者 “ming li xue zhe” metaphysics learners will use true andoriginal methods to bring continuity to this ancestor’s wisdom of the Chinesecultural science & knowledge. And not use this knowledge to talk about the countryluck. Although they can't be held responsible in using this knowledge to mislead,but it is disgracefully humorous to the entity. The current society is verydifferent from the era of the older generation, as everyone is trying tocompete in becoming the top master. But sadly true scholars and researchers of metaphysicsare very scarce. Master 南怀瑾 “nan huai qin” whose knowledgein 易经 “yi jing” is a teacher that most should meet but we are notso lucky as he has already went to heaven to enjoy himself. This respectableelderly man has composed books and has wide knowledge. His has a very openattitude and approach in life. Most importantly he does not utilize hisknowledge to teach or mislead for the sake of fame and money. This type of 师父 “shi fu”, not many that are still exist in this world.
This true knowledge when found it can be used in daily lifeas it will be a compass to guide and improve your life, and to cushion your falls.Until unless you are able analyze your own destiny’s ups and downs, then you areonly qualified to compete but by then you would have seen another deeper levelof LIFE.
昨夜新生黄雀儿, Zuo ye xin sheng huang que er,
飞来直上紫藤枝, Fei lai zhi shang zi teng zhi,
摇头晃脑花园里, Yao tou huang nao hua yuan li,
也学诗人赋新词。 Ye xue shi ren fu xin chi.