In the new era of advance information technology and the evolvement of all old and new pop culture and religion. Individual interest and belief have become only a surface level demand today. But they are not having any depths in the actual meaning of its culture and religion. Examples like some of the believers of Buddhism or Taoism would only know how to use the joss stick and prayers to ask for selfish individual needs of better health, babies and wealth. Being mortals they always think that Buddha or God is limitless in blessings and will meet all their prayers. God offerings are in abundance like lamp oil, lightings, monk blessings and prayers. If doing all these can help them to remove all their sins and fulfill their blessing, then it is a wrong way of counting your blessings. CAN RELIGION really change your destiny? Madam yap shared, “This is a true story that happened years back. A past that will still brings tears to my eyes. A lady who is my...