
Destiny and Religion 命運與宗教

In the new era of advance information technology and the evolvement of all old and new pop culture and religion. Individual interest and belief have become only a surface level demand today. But they are not having any depths in the actual meaning of its culture and religion. Examples like some of the believers of Buddhism or Taoism would only know how to use the joss stick and prayers to ask for selfish individual needs of better health, babies and wealth. Being mortals they always think that Buddha or God is limitless in blessings and will meet all their prayers. God offerings are in abundance like lamp oil, lightings, monk blessings and prayers. If doing all these can help them to remove all their sins and fulfill their blessing, then it is a wrong way of counting your blessings. CAN RELIGION really change your destiny? 
Madam yap shared, “This is a true story that happened years back. A past that will still brings tears to my eyes. A lady who is my good friend and she is very passionate on metaphysics, destiny reading and feng shui. She was my best companion in this kind hobby, research and study. I remembered clearly in the year 1984 where her first child was born. Naturally the 八字 “bazi” of her son will be of great interest on our research. At the beginning it was seen in the child’s chart that disaster is coming ahead. And even her chart also indicates her children will have problems. She then took her child’s bazi to numerous masters to verify the findings but in the end all came to the similar result. From then on she was very worried and stressed. She has started to pray and do more charity on behalf of her son trying to compensate her child’s luck. She will bring her son to everywhere to pray, contribute and become vegetarian for 10 days every month. Every year she will spend all her money on charity. She was all out to help society and the needy. But sadly in the middle of the year 1991 her son died of 脑膜炎 “naomoyan” brain infections. During that time of extreme disappointment she asked “My son from the age of 1 year old, I had been praying 求神拜佛 “qiu shen bai fo” and doing charity 行善 “xingshan” and luck compensation 积福 “ji fu” hoping he would have a long life. Even Sunday I bring him to church. Why, I still can’t keep my child? By doing all this, what is the use of it?” She asked me firmly this question. I was loss of words as she didn’t understand in the Buddhism beliefs, there is such thing as 因果“yin guo” KARMA. In the end she had dropped every beliefs from her life”. 

po jun wen qu shui zhong zuo zhong
Po Jun & Wen Qu Star water burial



Now let us talk about Destiny/Fate. Destiny is formed from energy. Energy is 阴阳五行 “ying yang wu xing” ying and yang with five elements.  So in the olden days they will use the 年月日时 “nian yue ri shi” birth data to group into different formation to calculate 夭寿穷通 “yao shou qiong tong” human fate. In religion it is term karma. Every past life it will cumulate points. What you owe you will need to repay. What others owe you; it will not be short changed to you. Those who killed a lot in the past will be born with many surgeries and injuries in next life. Every life you will repay and borrow in cycles and the circle will never stop. When we are born we will see how much the karma of the owing and favor. Whether you need to repay your parent or your parent owe you. 

A metaphysics/destiny reader will clearly understand and recognize all this karma. It is not uncommon to witness young people having a nice and kind character but becomes bad when he grows up. It is all because of his environment that will change accordingly to his karma.  Just like the lady in the story that had 破军文曲 “po jun wen qu” in her children palace and “jian” meeting 化忌 “hua ji”. In 斗数  “dou shu” there is a verse 水中作冢  “po jun wen qu jian hua ji shui zhong zuo zhong” meaning all these few stars collaborate and it will  result a grave in the water formation. Destiny is never easy to alter. As the lady from the story above was very afraid that her son corpse will be misuse by Chinese voodoo for spells so after the son’s death she had him cremated and thrown his ashes into the sea.  It is unbelievable or mere coincidence that destiny arrangement and the environment settings are all being influenced by the world energies. In the Chinese society the strong cultural commandments of 一命二运三风水四积荫德五读书 “yi ming er yun san feng shui si ji yin de wu du shu” meaning, first destiny, second luck, third feng shui, fourth charity and fifth knowledge, is it really TRUE?

Having a simple heart, living with kindness, avoid greed and understand the fact that whatever is not belonging to us will eventually be gone. Do not commit crime, robbery and fights. With these life principles you will then be a much happier and peaceful person, lightening your karma in life. More so when a practitioner knows when his chart and luck cycle becomes bad it is crucial to avoid disputes, and control your temper to prepare for his future path. In Dou Shu the palaces and charts will definitely have a good 10 year cycle if you can utilize this period to work hard and prepare for the down time or to gain a better life ahead. We sincerely hope you can spread this teachings, “Human destiny are not forcible nor to be greed after. What is not meant to be, it will still be empty in the end. Hoping you can stop evolving your bad karma throughout the cycle”.   

迷外安知身是客, Mi wai an zhi shen shi ke,
浮生端为名利忙, Fu sheng duan wei ming li mang,
堪叹阎浮多苦恼, Kan tan yan fu duo ku nao,
何时同得度慈航.     He shi tong de du ci hang.