A trip to Beijing is worth spending a day to visit the
famous Prince Gong’s Mansion 恭王府 “gong wang
fu”. This mansion’s formerly houses occupants that have great authority and power. The
first was during the realm of the Qing dynasty 清朝 ruling of 乾隆皇帝 “Emperor Qian Long”, where a very prominent
corrupted official stayed in this huge mansion. Later 嘉慶帝 “Emperor Jia
Qing” prosecuted and confiscated all his corrupted estates, money and his mansion.
He was sentenced to death by hanging in his mansion. In 1851, 咸豐帝 the "Emperor Xianfeng" assigned it to
his brother 恭親王 Prince Gong, and the mansion was named after the Prince.
This house is very huge and grand. The balcony and fixtures
are very luxurious. It definitely cost a lot of money to build and it is
impossible for a common person to own. During the visit you will also realized
the fact that, even thou the house is so beautiful but the powerful occupant 和珅 “He Shen” could not even stay for long. As he is cruel and evil,
he robs and steals with his powers and his name was condemned and hated for
centuries. Finally he was punished and had to endure a horrible death. He had amassed an incredible fortune equivalent to
Qing Dynasty 15 years of imperial revenue which were all forfeited. As the
Buddhist teaching once said “Nothing can be carried away with you but only your karma” 萬般带不去,唯有业随身 'wan ban dai bu qu, wei you ye sui shen'.
During the era of 道光帝 “Daoguang emperor” another national hero of the Opium
War 林則徐 “Lin Ze Xu” an official in the Qing Dynasty. He is recognized for his conduct and his name is still a legacy being considered as a role model for moral governance. Below are the two "Zi Wei Dou Shu" charts for
beginner’s research purpose. Both have 天机 Tian Ji and 天梁 Tian Liang in the 命宫 Ming palace,one belongs to a corrupted official and the other is a hero.
Very often, many beginners are confused would love to ask questions like, “Is this
star in my Ming palace good?” or “Is Tian Ji and Tian Liang a very good military
“He Shen” - scheming and good in strategy. Greedy and his
corruption gains was tremendous and he died in a shameful and horrible way.
“Lin Ze Xu” impulsive and outgoing. Justice and fair. Love
his people. He burnt the opium and became famous. During the age of 57 years old, the
British forces gave pressure to the Qing government and he was exiled to the remote
Prince Gong’s Mansion Feng Shui 風水 .
Built for “He Shen” in year 1877. He was prosecuted in year 1899.
坐北向南 Sitting North Facing South.
Three obvious flaws.
Powerful Luck Period Running Out
Reverse Lian Zhen Land Formation
Dead by Hanging Occurrence Violated