
Prefer a Show Off or Reserved type ? 鋒芒, 内歛 ?

In zi wei dou shu, when 太阳 “tai yang” star in the “ming” palace, the owner will be frank, outgoing and un-petty type. And they are usually very warm and open to others. But there are exceptions as it depends on their happiness palace or occurrence of killing stars in their triangular & square formation. But this type of chart and character always attract vengeances and jealousy as they are overly warm and busybody. As they are also boastful, proud and straight forward they easily offend others without being aware. And if they have 巨门 “ju men” star around, disputes and gossips will be in abundance. If they can learn to have self control then in their path they will have so much lesser problems. Students love to ask questions like “If tai yang star likes to show off then which star is more moderate or restraint?”

From the Zi Wei Dou Shu research, it is no other than the great 太阴 “tai yin” star. In the classics, there exist a term called 月朗天门 “yue lang tian men” where in the “hai” palace having “hua lu” will make the person's chart formation perfect. But this is an understatement as this formation will also get the “Tai yin hua lu” then “tion tong” and “ju men” star in happiness palace will have “hua ji”. Having experiences of many friends with this combination whenever they call up, it will be a pain to entertain. Having a good excuse to turn them down will bring a lot relief because they can be very stubborn, overly talkative and irritating. Those born on the heavenly stems of 庚年 “geng year” this “tai yin” star will have very different quality chart being further enhanced. It will be very vengeful and petty especially so when their “shen” body palace is similar to happiness palace. Because in this palace their “tian tong” and “ju men” and “hua ji” star will emit this character.

The Taiwan president 馬英九 “Ma Ying Jeou” has this type of chart and also sitting in the “hai” palace. If the birth time is correct then this chart owner will look soft, mild and restraint externally but his inner character will be very different. This type of stars even when they are bright will become too weak and petty but  vengeful. This weakness are not suitable for a leader of a nation. When angry he will use all kinds of way to take revenge. Looking at the current case, of his once an adversary and legal chief 王金平  “Wang Jin Pyng” having some indifference of views with him seen recently in the papers. He tries to penalize him with some minor accusations and unwisely whipped up some political storms. In his chart this will be his last year in his current decade. He would face much bigger consequences ahead. When his political career ends he will attain unfavorable reputation. But those dimmed "tai yin" formation with killing stars or a combination of the 科录权忌 “ke lu quan ji” have the same character but much stronger and daring.

For those born in the “xin” or “ji” heavenly stem year, they will have 文曲文昌化忌 “wen qu or wen chang hua ji”. The Tai yin star is not suitable to meet with them when they are bad. Meeting 文昌化忌 “wen chang hua ji” they will be a liar and will twist the facts and like to indulge in pleasures. Meeting 文曲 “wen qu” is even worst as many metaphysics or religious leader when their chart meets  with “wen qu” with dimmed “tai yin” coupled with “hua ji” they are classified as the 九流术士 lowest rank of practitioner in the classics. Usually they are prone to become con men so we always must be very careful as they have great virtue and integrity problems. The "tai yin" being a  soft star is afraid to meet killing stars like 羊陀火鈴 “yang tou huo ling”. When mild and soft stars meet with bad stars, 小心 PLEASE BE WARY!!!

Another “tai yang” chart awarded the Nobel peace prize, named the Taiwan’s Mandela 施明德 “Shih Mingde” having joined the red army and a leader of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party's. Fought hard for democracy and anti-corruption. The "tai yang" star style in contrary is more a show off character 锋芒毕露 “feng mang bi lu”. 

"Shih Mingde" brings out the voice of justice, freedom and anti corruption. Thou very strong dreams and principles, still can’t manage to change a country but only himself. Because of his actions he had been imprisoned for many times and years. Like a 光明 “guang ming” guileless light in darkness shinning on people. "Ma Ying Jeou" on the other hand can influence a whole country's fate. A leader being mild, soft, unskilled nor talented when he runs a country then people will suffer. But there is a different format of another very different combination of "tai yin" of a renowned president, daring and successfully captained a country. To be continued... Nov 2013
Now think again which do you fear most a Loud & Straight Forward or a Soft & Indirect candidate??