Friends palace in "zi wei dou shu" is always the most underrated palace. Those learning “dou shu” always favors the 科禄权 “Ke Lu Quan” into the 命宫 Ming palace. And they are very afraid of having 化忌 “hua ji” in Ming or shining from the 三方四正 “san fang si zheng” triangular and square combination. This is a misconception of classification in the "zi wei dou shu" studies. Years of research shows that when the owner has many “lu” in the Ming palace they are very seldom hardworking nor ambitious. Usually they like enjoyments and easy life or tend to indulge in pleasure seeking. If your “Ming” palace have “Ke Lu Quan” in triangular and square coupled with strong stars it is pity because all your other palaces like friend, parent, health or family are susceptible to the balance of the bad stars. Without having the support of the periodical stars when only your “Ming” palace is strong then the person will look good on surface only. At the beginning of learning “zi ...