
When three are walking together, one can be my teacher 三人行必有我師焉

道家做人標准 - 領悟道,修德,順其自然,淡名利
Daoism’s Standard – understand the path, cultivate virtue, to let nature takes it course and not seek fame & wealth
儒家做人標准-仁,義,礼,智,信. 人生观-积极进取,建功立业.
Confucian’s Standard - righteousness, humanity, etiquette, wisdom, trust, positively progressing and goals oriented

佛家做人標准 - 绪恶莫作, 众善奉行, 遵守戒律, 慈爱众生, 旡私奉献.
Buddhism’s Standard – do no evil, do only virtue act, adhere to principles, love all living things and selfless contribution

三人行必有我師焉, 這句名言出自孔子。









The famous verse “san ren xing bi you wo shi yan” we have something to learn from everyone comes from Confucius.
Last time when young always listening to my elderly say that “the sky is big, the land is huge and I am big”. From the reflections of the moon looking at own shadows will make one feels that they are great and amazing. Humans all are borne with such inherent arrogant said Confucius; “san ren xing bi you wo shi” we have something to learn from everyone, we adapt from the best and improve from the worst.
This verse may look simple but looking deeper it is not easy at all. If you find others are better than you, are you modest to correct from roots. To learn and accept this fact is never easy.
When you laugh at other people’s knowledge you should first ask yourself if your knowledge has reached the level that you can make fun of others? Has your knowledge level surpass the person you made fun of? Do you know their system? If not, then please be silent.
Recently my student informed that there are people on the internet criticized my articles and using my article as his game of mockery. Making fun and creating jokes along the article. My student was asking how should they handle it?  I asked, “Do you think they have entered the doorstep of 'Zi Wei"? Can analyse periodical luck? Can they apply it?”  If they have not reached this requirement then I would not like to waste my time with them. They said, “Probably read some books and a smattering of knowledge definitely have not entered the door so is ignorable. Let them continue to believe one is infallible”.
My writing of articles are for past time and recreation. On the other hand, also hoping that the young leaners of "zi wei dou shu" can advance in the correct path to continue learning. As to how much they can penetrate will be based on hard work and life experience to utilize the knowledge to read and determine a chart.
Destiny knowledge is not as simple as by just reading a book or two to grasp this metaphysics knowledge. If they find that my articles are of poor quality, please do not read. And please be assured that I do not depend on this industry to serve my meals so will not rob your rice bowl.
But would like to offer a little advice, “As a professional in this destiny industry, establish your good ethics, speech and conduct so that you can raise your dignity as the fundamentals to your integrity”
Destiny industry has always been termed and viewed negatively and considered as a lowest grade profession. So as a destiny professional you should raise your standard and inner quality. So that others will not look down on this industry’s standard and integrity.
“Lastly, if you really have genuine skills you don’t need to belittle others to look good. Talking on papers and putting into practice are entirely different”. May 2014