This famous Japanese doll called 巿松人形 “ ichimatsu ningyou ” was a present from a Japanese good friend to Master Yap. Sharing this real story and hoping my friends that go to Japan will be careful when buying this type of dolls. Master Yap said, “The ichimatsu dolls was kept for a long time before it was being displayed, till I bought a new apartment. To have an aesthetic interior this doll was then being placed as a decorative piece. In mid of the year 2013, I was sleeping there for two nights. In the middle of the night I heard some noise similar to sound of rattling chain at night that woke me up. The next night around the same time of 3am, I heard the same noise again and it is even more intense, followed by a sound of a cup lid dropping to the floor. I thought it might probably have been blown off by the fan. It never came to my sense that it was anything to do with any spiritual presence. I don’t usually sleep there as it was for my convenience sake of having a n...