There’s a legendary prophecy in Malaysia that the presidency is according to the alphabetical order ' RAHMAN ' and that's why 'N' will be the last. And some even say that there will be big changes coming. As ‘R’ is for Rahman, ‘A’ is for Abdul Razak, ‘H’ is Hussein Onn, ‘M’ is for Mahathir, ‘A’ is initially thought to be Anwar but came Abdullah and now ‘N’ is for Najib. But there were no extra words coming out from this legend anymore. Is it true or shall it be taken lightly? By thinking about the current situation and country luck cycle, leads me to recall a famous Imperial Astrologer 刘伯温 ‘Liu Bo Wen’ from the Ming Dynasty of China and his very famous Cookie Song 燒餅歌 'shao bing ge’ . It all began from a piece of cookie. True or not this excerpt is being translated from Liu Bo Wen’s book and it is recorded in the history of China. His entire book prophecies, describe how the Ming Dynasty era of fate and happenings. In China’s histor...