We have just passed the 12th month 十二月 of year 2014 in the 农历 "nong li" lunar calendar, seems like just yesterday. Looking at the past year there was a lot of foreign and people related problems and disputes. Destiny reading is only targeted on personal level and never on a national level so all the influences from the stars in the chart can only affect us. In Zi Wei Dou Shu System there are 机月同梁 “Ji Yue Tong Liang” and 杀破狼 “Sha Po Lang” category of star chart classification groups. >>>Jan 2014 Article In this Year 2015 乙未年 “yi wei nian” of the main direct wealth star is being inflicted by 化忌 “hua ji”. The Tai yin star wealth attributes comes from direct, straight or professional category like business, career, professional or corporate. Tai yin star represents long term and continuous so it is classified as 正财“zheng cai” direct wealth. In this worl...