Again we have come to 2016 丙申 ' Bing Shen' new year to repeat the yearly predictions. The urge for us not to write is presence this year as everyone’s chart is different and the combinations can have thousands of combinations and changes. This simple description of 2 stars having 化禄 ‘hua lu’ transforming to prosper and 化忌 ‘hua ji’ transforming to restrain, both indication is not detail enough for a destiny reading that can assist in life planning or decision making. So let this short article serve as a general reference only. This ‘bing’ year where 天同化禄 ‘Tian tong’ will be having ‘hua lu’. ‘Tian Tong’ is a soft and gentle star, and it doesn’t represent wealth. This star becomes even more relax and lazy when it turns ‘hua lu’. Zi Wei Dou Shu has 2 sets of major combinations, consisting of 机月同梁 ‘ji yue tong liang’ and 杀破狼 ‘sha po lang’. When the 三方四正 triangular and square palace meets with ‘ji yue tong liang’ then your 六亲 ‘liu qin’ (parent, spouse, sibling...