Our ZiWeiDouShu school has existed since the 1990s, and we have been teaching here since 2008. We love to share our Video Stories reviews from our learners after 3 days of lessons, on how we share our passion and skills to help people succeed in their metaphysics and Zi Wei Dou Shu journey as their achievements drive our success.
Management, Planning & HR (English)
Mystical & Logic 神奇, 科學 (Cantonese 粤语)
Accurate & Complete 準, 足夠 (Mandarin 华语)
Fun, Achievement & Self Development (English)
Easy & Practical 容易, 實用 (Cantonese 粤语)
Life GPS & Coincidence? 命 GPS, 巧合? (Mandarin 华语)
Experienced Learner 经验学术者 (Canton 粤语)
BAZI Researcher 八字研究生 (Canton 粤语)
Easy to learn in English & Good for Business (English)
Understand Self/Others. Practical 了解人生, 实用 (Canton 粤语)
How ziwei can help this couple (English & Mandarin 华语)
Ziwei Reseacrher 紫微研究生 (Mandarin 华语)
Why ZiweiBazi Academy! (English & Mandarin)