==> IFSC 2021 Convention Programme <== "In this grave pandemic, perhaps most dreadful in this era and, for every soul I have touched and helped prevent falling apart, the crisis is far from over. Many have tried in vain to find a way out, so what can we derive from our destiny?" Can Destiny be changed? Can Ziwei-Bazi or Metaphysic really build, better future and better fortune? Life is short; how can we utilise the big data to live our dream and wear our passion? We often have our destiny analysed and Feng Shui optimised not because it is superstition or culture. But this goal can serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept. We are unwilling to postpone, and we intend to win. "Knowing your path is the beginning of all wisdom. Preparing ahead is better than repenting & repairing." ~ Ray Goh www.fengshui-convention.com My talk on "Destiny changing and building a better...